Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lighting Observations (Blog #2)

I'm sitting on my couch, in my apartment, and I'm noticing my room and how it's lit. In my peripheral vision, I can see three sources of light: Two ceiling lights and a lamp in the corner. The lamp has a bendable arm and is pointed towards the back of the TV, which is in front of me. It's creating this edge lighting around the corner of the TV. The DVD's and Game cases, that are to the left of the TV, have a gradient light pattern. The tops of the games are well lit, but the light fades away along the sides of each DVD case. The armchair on the far left side of the room is also getting a gradient pattern from the lamp as well. From the ceiling lights on the right side of the room, they tend to light the entire rooms. The kitchen light is lighting the entire kitchen, except for underneath the cabinets. The hallway light is lighting the entire wall and carpet, but the wall on the far end of the hall is covered in shadow, but I can still see the details on my roommate's door.

It recently snowed outside, so I went outside to take some pictures of  the scenery since the outdoors look really spectacular with snow on the ground. As you can see, it's dark outside, but there are many light sources in the background. A few of the lamps were close enough that the camera lens was able to pick up a lens flare, which covers a small portion of the trees. The lamps close by were able to light up the snow on the ground. The trees in the background have very little light touching them, but they have plenty of light behind them, so the trees are entirely in silhouette. The trees in the foreground too have silhouettes, but the details on the trees are visible due to smaller portions of light touching them. There's one tree in the center of that is half lit and half in shadow since the street-lamp is positioned far to the left of it.

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