Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pre-visualization (Blog #7)

So on Monday, my group and I got together to decide on an idea for our master shot sequence. After that, we knocked out all of the previsualization. Since I'm doing sound for the project, there's not much I could do to pre-visualize for it. So I offered my help to the Director and the Director of Photography. Megan, our DP, drew up the storyboards. Jacob, the director, was making the shotlist. Luqi, the producer, made the budget. And I, the sound guy, offered my help to them since most of my job takes place during filming and in post production. I've gone through the process of making shotlists, storyboards, and overheads many times in recent months. So Jacob asked if I could make the overheads from the storyboards, which I did. So now that we have all of the previsualization done, we just have to find a suitable location, shoot, then edit.

I think the previsualization materials (shotlist, storyboards, overheads, and budget) are very helpful in the pre-production stage of filmmaking. Even for something short, like our project, it will help out in a huge way. Now we will film our project with a plan, and we're not just improvising shots on set. Everyone will be on the same page. I've been in quite a few productions (like I mentioned earlier), and having a very detailed plan before shooting is definitely the way to go. I don't even think just a shotlist is enough, at least overheads or storyboard sketches should accompany the shotlist. I've had many past experiences where he camera crew spent too much time trying to figure out where to set up  each shot. But that's just my personal opinion.

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